Wednesday 27 July 2022

Be Resolute

By Charl Human 


ACTION:  Resolve to make a life changing commitment
res·o·lute –determined, resolved, unswerving, unwavering, steadfast, unfaltering, persistent, tenacious, unrelenting, courageous.

I have been traveling the country seeing our leaders and the outstanding men who have been raised up within Influencers.  Each man has a story, and I’ve enjoyed hearing many of them. Most of these men came to a place in life where they were sick of the devastating choices they had made in their life, and they determined to live out their repentance by resolutely living a changed life inside out. I say “live it out” for this is a fundamental result and requirement of true repentance.  

We resolve to change our future life by taking every living force available to us by our King to help us live a changed life. There are a lot of tears of brokenness with these men, as they openly share their shameful past and the hope given to them with God’s forgiveness, and in many ways the restoration of critically damaged marriages and relationships. It is a beautiful and powerful demonstration of our God’s love and ability to change the most hopeless reprobates—like me. Yes, I had a past as well.  

Men like this influence the people around them for Christ to find answers for every need we have. One negative thing I have seen with some men is that they say the right things, and are open with their struggle. But, they remain in the struggle and never get out of it. They dip in and out of their challenges like a ship without a rudder, refusing to set a true course for transformation. Eventually these guys give up and live a life of defeat, and in doing so take many victims down with them. These men do not have beautiful lives. On the contrary, they protect within themselves a destructive force that will take them down and it has the stench of death to it.  

The good news with the King of Kings is that they can find the help and answers they need to change—if they will pay the price to receive it.  But they cannot find it without a life-defining, and life-changing re-direction to their life. This new direction requires a holy resolve to receive and live a new life in Christ. It requires a “sold out and no other way” resolution to find this new life without the bondage they are in.

For those of you who are interested in taking the necessary steps to move completely away from the spiritual quicksand you are in, I dedicate the next several devotionals to assist you. But make no mistake in thinking it will be what I can do for you. It will be what our King will do for you. But, it must first begin with what you will do for yourself. It must first start with your resolve to change.  Are you in? 

From: an influencer

Monday 25 July 2022

Who are you helping?

By Charl Human 

Phil. 3:17
1 Cor. 11:1

As kingdom men, we must grab hold of those who need to be shown a better way, rather than simply writing them off. We must do the hard work of helping our struggling brothers along. Paul called on Timothy and others under his influence to follow his example, just as he followed Christ. 

Keep in mind that to have an example to follow means there must be someone setting one. This requires living in a spiritually mature manner and guiding others in how they can do likewise. Our focus must be upon both ongoing personal growth and making an intentional investment in others.

While many of us are waiting on God to step in and fix what is wrong, God is waiting on us to step up as men of faith and do what is right. He is waiting for men who don’t just talk about faith but walk in it. These are the men whose actions demonstrate that they truly believe in the God they claim to worship.

So, let’s make intentional investments in our relationships, helping each other learn and grow in faith. The formal term for this is discipleship. We are called to live as kingdom disciples, pursuing the making and replicating of more kingdom disciples throughout our communities, our nation, and the world. 

As we do this, God’s kingdom agenda will march forward on earth.

What are you doing to “replicate the process” of discipleship in the lives of others?

Why should discipleship be a priority in our lives?

Thursday 21 July 2022

We need Kingdom Men

By Charl Human

2 Cor. 4:5
James 4:7

What our world needs today are kingdom men. Men who are willing to invest not only in their own personal growth and opportunities but also in the lives of others. We need men who are willing to make the sacrifices of time and effort that are necessary for unleashing the potential of others because we are in this together. That’s how we make it. That’s how we change the world for God and for good. We live out the definition of a kingdom man: a man who visibly and consistently submits to the comprehensive relationship and rule of God, underneath the lordship of Jesus Christ, in every area of life. 

 *A kingdom man accepts his responsibilities under God* and faithfully carries them out. These responsibilities include: caring for his family and his kids, serving in his church, and having a positive impact on those around him. When a man is faithful in doing these things, God will use him powerfully in support of His kingdom agenda. And that man will receive the blessings that God wants to impart into his life.

When *a kingdom man lives according to God’s purpose,* he joins with other men in influencing culture, politics, entertainment, and every other area of life through a process of intentional discipleship. His effort produces kingdom disciples, who in turn produce more disciples. This process leads to a multiplying effect and multigenerational impact. So, let’s stand together.

What are some areas of your life where you need to focus on consistently submitting to God’s comprehensive rule?

What are some areas that you know don’t focus on that kind of obedience? How can you seek to change that?

Sunday 17 July 2022

The Warriors Freedom

This is from a warrior called Will fighting for the truth!!!

Mathew 4:1-11
Hebrews 4:15-16
John 10:10
1 cor.10:13
Jamee 5:16
Jude 1:24
Titus 2:11-13

For me, addiction looked like porn. I was exposed at age nine and felt stuck throughout my twenties before finally taking three initial steps toward true freedom. 

Whether it’s some kind of sex-addiction, substance abuse, digital distraction, obsessive hobbies, fits of anger, overworking, or anything that steals from our lives—most of us have a history with addiction and distraction.

At some point, I decided I’d be stuck the rest of my life. But Jesus came to give us life to the full, and He set me free from sexual addiction. It wasn’t immediate. It was a long fight with many steps, and it started like this. 

First, I had to dig up the root. Addiction is often a symptom of something deeper. For me, it was a lack of validation. I felt I wasn’t enough for God, my wife, my family, or my dreams. Porn somehow promised to make me feel wanted and validated. Instead, I needed to discover that God had already validated me. He created me, called me, chose me, gave me purpose, and loved me with real love.  

Ask God to reveal the deeper roots for you. He’s a kind and loving Father. You can run to Him and find the comfort, peace, and healing that addiction will never give you.

Second, I brought it to the light. For years, addiction was a secret I thought I could handle on my own. Once I confessed it to close friends, my wife—and asked the right people to hold me accountable—my addiction began to lose its power. 

Third, I looked to Jesus. Jesus said He experienced every temptation known to man. He understands our battles. So, I looked to Jesus. In Matthew, chapter four, He was tempted by Satan himself three times. Three times, Jesus, God’s perfect Son, quoted the Bible. So, if it worked for Jesus … 

I found some Bible truth and started repeating it daily, especially when I was tempted. Start with one verse and go from there. Maybe pick one of the many from today’s reading. 

Dig up the root, bring it to light, and fight back with truth.

Friday 15 July 2022

The Warriors Courage

By Charl Human

Joshua 1:5-9
Judges 6;12-24
Isiah 26:3
1 Cor.16;13

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt

If you've been following Jesus for even a little while, you'd probably be willing to admit that it's not easy, and it definitely isn't always comfortable. 

My wife, Alice, and I were a few years into our marriage and just setting up our dream life in a place we loved. I had a great job with benefits and plenty of growth opportunity. Alice had built a thriving photography business from the ground up. We had a nice, big house, plenty of friends and family—but then we heard God unmistakably say, "Go."

Needless to say, we were scared! I had grown up in in the city we lived in, and we had both found our footing in careers where we thought we could be successful.  

Could Alice move a business to a new state? How would moving away from family and friends work? Common sense said, “don’t go.” Over the course of several months, however, consistent promptings from God solidified His plan—we were called to leave. We put our house on the market, put in notice at work, and God started to provide in ways that made no common sense. 

Gideon had a similar story. An angel of the Lord came to Gideon and told him that God had chosen him to defeat the Midianites that were oppressing the Israelites. But Gideon was the youngest in his family, in the smallest clan, and Midian was much bigger and stronger than Israel. But God called Gideon a "man of valor" and reminded Gideon that He was with Him. 

Like me, Gideon was a skeptic, so he asked the angel of the Lord to prove that Gideon had the power of God with Him. Moments later, the angel of God literally sparked a fire out of some bread and broth on top of a rock.

You know what Gideon did next? 

Gideon worshiped God, and then he moved in faith. I think godly courage is like that. God wants to use His imperfect people for His big and perfect will, and it's intimidating and downright terrifying sometimes. I've learned, however, that fear comes from a focus on our own weakness. Courage comes when we remember the promises and faithfulness of our good God and remove the focus from ourselves. It is only then that we are able step out in faith with confidence.

Consider: Where has fear stopped you from following God’s promptings?

What step of courage can you take to obey

Wednesday 13 July 2022

The Warriors Cause

By Charl Human

1 John 3:17
Luke 6:38
Mathew 25:35-40

This is a true story of someone who went on a mission trip to Malawi. known as “the warm heart of Africa.” 

The entire trip was incredible, but this is about Leah’s story. 
She lives near Chitipa, which is so remote many organizations don’t bother to go there.

Four years before we met, a friend from her church invited Leah to join a small group called “Light.” But Leah was reluctant to join. 

To join the group, she’d have to contribute a little bit of money to a group savings fund each week. Her family could barely scrape by, and they didn’t even have money to educate their kids or make repairs on their thatch-roofed house. Still, her friends convinced her to give it a try, so she did. 

After the group savings accumulate for a few months, any group member can borrow money, use it to do something valuable, then pay it back. After a year, the savings are shared out equally to the group, and it all starts over again. 

First, Leah borrowed a small amount from the savings pool to buy sugar cane in bulk. She sold it, paid the loan back to the fund, and had money left over. 

She began to believe she could do this.

She started to dream again. She’d always wanted to learn how to make clothing, but paying for the training had never been possible until she borrowed from the savings pool. With the money, she was able to pay for training and buy a sewing machine. 

She grew confident again. Leah again borrowed from the group to buy cloth, which turned into clothing and a nice profit. With her profits she purchased livestock for her family, replaced their roof, and bought a bicycle that her husband used to provide a taxi service.

I’m still not sure any of us realize how much of a fighter Leah must be. Let me tell you something you won’t forget.

In Leah’s village, clean water was a two-hour, back-breaking walk away.

Then, about two months before we met, Leah took her hard-fought earnings and personally paid to have a well drilled in her own back yard so that more than 100 neighbors could have unlimited access to clean, life-giving water.

We all need a cause to fight for. Leah’s story inspires me to start with my family but not just stop there. I want to fight to give people near and far access to what they need for life. 

Challenge: What cause are you fighting for? Are you fighting for anything beyond yourself? Anyone beyond your family? How can you team up with others?

Monday 11 July 2022

The Warriors Validation

By Charl Human

Mathew 28:20
John 14:12
1 John 4:19

This Bible Plan is for people like you, by people like you. *Warriors* !. Don’t feel like one? What would happen to your health, your friendships, your family, your job, and your faith if you stopped doing everything? You don’t even want to imagine right? Because you fight for those things every day. 

You’re a warrior.

Day in and day out you’re trying your best to be your best. But how do you measure your success? 

When you fight as hard as you do—for your family, your faith, your job—you want to know your time is worthwhile. You want to go to sleep knowing you made the right decisions. But how do you measure that? Who gets to say that your blood and sweat was worth it? 

We all love to hear that our time in the gym is paying off, that our boss is noticing the extra hours we’re putting in, and our spouse loves the new car we worked to afford. Now, don’t get me wrong—this encouragement can be a beautiful, life-giving thing. But what happens when it stops? 

What do you do when the new car breaks down, when the compliments about your physique stop coming, or when your boss just thinks the long hours are the new normal? It starts to feel like we’re just throwing punches in air. We’re running tirelessly, but no one is watching. Or caring.

The problem is not that the validation stopped, the problem is where it was coming from. We need a stronger foundation that won’t break. We need to find our validation from someone who never changes. 

And there’s only One. He walks in us, walks with us, and works through us. He is Christ. Jesus. God. Holy Spirit. This three-in-one force passionately created everything, including you, with overwhelming love and purpose. What does He say about you?

Maybe He’s telling you that you are doing enough because in your weakness He is strong. Maybe He’s reminding you how you’re a good father, even if you’re not making the big salary, because you love your family like He first loved you. Maybe He’s telling you what maybe your father or mother never did—He’s proud of you. 

Pray: God, who do You say that I am? What do You think of me? Will You help me to discover Your heart for me? Amen.

Saturday 2 July 2022

All things new

By Charl Human

Luke 3:28-33

One thing I’m continuing to learn about being a man is that God loves me when I don’t live up to my own vision for who I need to be.

Sometimes the Christian story can be confusing. I can find myself wondering all over again, Why would God do what he did for us on the cross?

And then I remember Luke 3, the genealogy of Jesus. Take a minute to read Luke 3:23-38—you know, the list we often skip. Now read that final verse again: “…the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God” (Luke 3:28).

All the things I’ve asked you to consider this week I believe are vital for us and those around us. But if you are also like Adam in that you’ve failed (and you have, and so have I), please take note of this: If there’s an epitaph for Adam, and for you and me, it remains “a son of God.”

God still claims us. God still wants us.

Think about that. He knows us better than we know ourselves. We see ourselves in terms of our accomplishments, our successes, our failures, and the roles we are currently filling.

We see ourselves in terms of what we look like or how people react to us. We can’t even see the real, stripped-down, raw us.

But God does. He knows it all. And he’s not walking away.

Imagine that. No one else can see us like that. No one else can love us like that.

That’s a strong place to be.

Knowing that, we can journey from here. Be a blessing to the women and children around you—and other guys, while you’re at it. Add value to their lives. Give them a glimpse of a man who knows who he is and whose he is. A guy like that isn’t afraid. He laughs a lot. He knows how it ends, and he knows that despite our mistakes, God is planning to make all things new. And just as God described the beginning, the end will be very, very good for those who want him.

Why does the inclusion and description of Adam in Jesus’ genealogy tell us about how God views us even when we fail? With this in mind, how would you describe your vision for who you want to become as a man?