Sunday 30 April 2023

Men are the Walls

1 Sam.30:1-8

Their city had been decimated. Thin lines of smoke twisted upward to the heavens from the blackened ruins of what was left of their homes. Their enemies had done their work, each smoldering pile an offering to their pagan gods.

Just hours earlier jubilation had filled the hearts of king-to-be David and his band of men as they drew closer to home after a three-day trek into the wilderness. But the joy would soon be overtaken by panic as the men topped the rocky mountain ledge overlooking the valley where their hometown of Ziklag lay in the distance.

Upon arriving, the men were horrified to find that the city had been raided and torched, their valuables stolen—supplies, weapons, gold, herds. It was the Amalekites, barbaric plunderers known for cruel, ruthless, unrelenting brutality, doing all sorts of detestable things the Lord God hates, even burning their own sons and daughters as sacrifices to their false gods.

Weaving through the damage, the men realized something else was amiss. The atmosphere was eerily quiet, save the sound of their own horses’ beating hooves, dogs barking somewhere in the void, and angry embers crackling. No one was there, crying out to greet them. No women or children were running grief-stricken in the streets. No one was bent down by the piles of rubble, wailing.

Then it hit them. The town was vacant, and their most valued treasure had been stolen—their wives and their sons and daughters had been taken captive. When men let their walls down, the enemy is right there waiting to make its move—and the consequences are dire.

Friday 28 April 2023

Keeping your hands clean


At the beginning of the 1993 film The Firm, Mitch McDeere begins work at Bendini, Lambert & Locke (BL&L), a small Memphis firm that specializes in accounting and tax law. The firm demands complete loyalty, strict confidentiality, and a willingness to charge exceptional fees for its services, which are designed to help wealthy clients avoid taxes by hiding large amounts of money in off-shore shell corporations.

After passing the bar exam, Mitch begins working long hours, which puts a strain on his marriage. While on a trip to the Cayman Islands, Mitch is seduced by a local woman and cheats on his wife. The encounter is a setup that is photographed, so that the firm’s security chief can blackmail Mitch to keep him quiet. Mitch soon learns why: the firm’s biggest client is the Morolto Mafia family from Chicago, and the firm’s partners, as well as most of the associates, are complicit in a massive tax fraud and money laundering scheme.

The FBI approaches Mitch and pressures him to provide evidence that the FBI can use to go after the Moroltos and bring down BL&L. If he keeps silent, then he likely will end up in jail. If he discloses information about the firm’s clients to the FBI, however, he will break attorney-client privilege and be disbarred. How can Mitch stay alive, remain a lawyer, and bring down the firm? [1]

While you have likely never worked for a truly wicked employer such as BL&L, you probably have encountered some shady business practices along the way. No one’s wages are labeled as “deceptive” or “legitimate”— all money is the same color, regardless of how it is earned or obtained.

In every work environment, God challenges us to keep our hands clean, even when the hands around us are dirty. Staying righteous in the workplace may not net us a higher income, but God promises a better reward: his favor. It’s a sure thing. In Memphis and everywhere else.

Questions for Reflection and Application
“Cheaters never prosper.” Except when they do. When have you seen people who bend the rules get ahead? When have you seen them get caught and punished? Why does God allow some cheaters to prosper? What is God calling you to do when you witness people bending or breaking the rules to get ahead?
Think about times when you have been tempted to cheat—at work or elsewhere. Did you succumb to the temptation? If so, what happened as a result? What has God called you to do with respect to cheating? If you have not heeded his call, then how can you get started on that !!

Wednesday 26 April 2023

Bigger than the Boogie Man


“God is bigger than the boogie man, and he’s watching out for you and me!” So sang Junior Asparagus in 1993’s debut video in the VeggieTales animated series—the brainchild of Phil Vischer. In 1994, Vischer’s company, Big Idea Productions, sold seven million videos and had revenues of $44 million. The company grew to 210 employees, many of whom worked furiously to release its first feature film, Jonah.

But Big Idea was in trouble. Costs began spiraling out of control and revenues flattened. When an $11 million lawsuit was filed and ruled against Big Idea, Vischer’s company had to declare bankruptcy ten years after the release of the first video.

Yet Vischer was strangely happy. Profoundly affected by his dad leaving home when he was nine, Vischer had driven himself to create a company whose positive messages strengthened families. The self-imposed stress led to pericarditis, an infection of the tissues around the heart, then strep, and then shingles. And that was before the Big Idea business took a downturn and Vischer had to start laying-off employees who he considered family. 

Just after the trial ended, Vischer heard a Bible conference session that posed this question: What does it mean when God gives you a dream, and the dream comes to life, and then the dream dies? The answer: God wants to see if you can live without the dream and depend only on him for meaning. Vischer realized that he had pursued cultural influence instead of pursuing God. 

Today, Vischer does voices for the VeggieTales characters in exchange for a small percentage of royalties from the VeggieTales videos created by Big Idea. Those royalties have given Vischer the freedom to pursue a range of creative ventures—all in service to God.[1]

God is not just great and powerful but also all-knowing. He is bigger than the boogie man … the failed business … the failed marriage … the devastating loss … the dream that flourishes and then dies. And he’s watching out for you and me.

Questions for Reflection and Application
Why did God allow Vischer to fall? What did Vischer learn?

When has God allowed you to fall or fail? What did you learn? How did you respond?
What experiences have left you frustrated with God because you still don’t know why you had to go through them? Write down a prayer to God for those experiences. Make it one that you can pray consistently until God brings insight and peace.

Who are the “boogie men” in your life right now? How should you enlist God’s help with them?

Monday 24 April 2023

Fighting for Justice

Micah 6:6-8

William Wilberforce was born into a rich merchant family in 1759. When his father died, young William spent two years with his aunt and uncle in London. His aunt embraced the emerging Methodist movement, which emphasized social reform, including the abolition of slavery and the slave trade. A frequent visitor to the London home was John Newton, a former slave-ship captain who became a Christian and wrote the hymn “Amazing Grace.”

When William went back home to Hull, his interest in Christianity faded. While at Cambridge University, he was elected to Parliament and began a lifelong friendship with William Pitt (the Younger), who became Prime Minister. 

A year after winning his first reelection to Parliament, Wilberforce became a Christian. He reconnected with Newton, who encouraged him to serve God in public life. Wilberforce began to use his position in Parliament to attack vices, such as drinking and gambling, that afflicted the poor. When antislavery activist Thomas Clarkson showed him the appalling conditions under which slaves were transported from Africa to the West Indies, Wilberforce became an abolitionist.

In 1791, Wilberforce introduced a bill to abolish the slave trade, but it was defeated because port cities depended on income generated by the slave trade. Year after year, Wilberforce reintroduced his bill only to watch it be defeated. After tabling his bill for a decade during Britain’s war with France, Wilberforce won approval for a clever anti-French law that gutted the revenues of many in the slave trade. 

By 1807, with the pro-slavery lobby low on funds and with public sentiment against slavery, both houses of Parliament passed Wilberforce’s bill—the Slave Trade Act, by large margins, ending nearly 400 years of slave trade in the British Empire. A year later, the United States passed its own law also banning the slave trade.

The Lord worked righteousness and justice for the oppressed by inspiring an ordinary person, William Wilberforce, to act on his behalf.

Questions for Reflection and Application
It took Wilberforce sixteen years to get Parliament to pass his bill to abolish slave trade. What inspires enough passion in you that you would persist for sixteen years to achieve your goal?

Wilberforce lived out his Christian faith in his workplace. How do you do that? Where can you improve?

Wilberforce was a crafty legislator who used anti-French sentiments to persuade Parliament to pass a law that weakened his opponents. Given that Jesus advised us to be “wise as serpents” (Matthew 10:16) when dealing with the world, how can you use your cleverness to gain ground for the kingdom?

Saturday 22 April 2023

Schindler’s Pit


Oskar Schindler was irreligious and immoral—a sinful man through and through. The alcoholic member of the Nazi Party smoked, cursed, and cheated on his wife numerous times. When Germany invaded Poland near the beginning of World War II, Schindler moved to Poland to make a fortune as a war profiteer. The German Intelligence Agency recruited Schindler to collect information about Poles, and Schindler willingly obliged. 

Moving to Krakow, Schindler took over a Jewish family’s apartment. Using bribes, Schindler gained control of a Jewish-owned enameled-goods factory close to the Jewish ghetto. Employing primarily Jewish workers whom he could pay slave wages, Schindler converted the factory to a manufacturer of munitions. On his way to making a fortune, Schindler had no sympathy for the Polish Jews, who were being systematically eradicated by the Nazis.

But when he saw the liquidation of the Krakow Ghetto, Schindler changed. The man who had previously only cared about himself and his own fortune suddenly began spending that fortune to do everything he could—including bribing Nazi officials—to protect and save Jews from death in Auschwitz. His efforts saved the lives of more than 1,200 Jews.

After spending much of his life in a self-absorbed pit of his own making, Oskar Schindler allowed God to pull him out of that pit, and he became a hero to Jews everywhere. In the early 1960s, Schindler was honored in Israel and invited to plant a tree in The Avenue of the Righteous. A memorial stands in his honor in the Park of Heroes. [1]

You may feel that your life is in a pit and with no way out. But no pit is too deep for God. His arms are long enough to reach to the bottom of any pit. He can pull you out, redeem your life, and crown you with steadfast love and mercy.

Questions for Reflection and Application

Was Oskar Schindler a righteous man? Why or why not? What encouragement does his story offer you?

Has God pulled you out of a pit? If so, then compare your life in the pit to your life now. How did God pull you out? Why did he do that? Do people know your story?

If you feel that you are in a pit now, then what do you plan to do? What help do you need? Who can supply that help?

Thursday 20 April 2023

Working to Thrive


During the six days of creation recorded in the first chapter of Genesis, God creates, reflects on what he just created, and sees that each created thing is “good.” The last thing that God creates is people. After creating us, God reflects on his entire creation and sees that it is “very good.” 

We are the pinnacle of God’s creation. God created the earth for us, so that we would not only survive but also thrive here. Thriving, however, requires effort on our part. It requires work. This is clear from what happened right after God created us.

God gave us a mandate to “fill the earth” and “subdue it” by exercising our dominion over all animals (v. 28). God created the earth to have everything that we need, but nature can be wild, harsh, and unforgiving. Unless we subdue the earth, we may not thrive or even survive.

Even though God put Adam and Eve in a paradise called the garden of Eden, he instructed them to cultivate and preserve it. The garden had every tree that was good for food, and even without efforts from Adam and Eve, the garden probably could have sustained them and their children for years and years. So why did God instruct them to cultivate it? God already knew Adam and Eve would sin, so their farming efforts in the garden would serve them well when they would later have to farm in less hospitable places in the future.

Just as God created the earth for us, he created work for us, so that we would maintain the earth for our benefit and for the benefit of the other created beings who share the earth with us. We are not supposed to endure work but to enjoy it.

Work is a good gift from a very good God. He’s the best boss you’ll ever have.

Questions for Reflection and Application
Why did God want people to fill the earth and subdue it?

Why did God make Adam work the garden of Eden and keep it? Wouldn't the garden have thrived without Adam's efforts?

Do you feel you are working to thrive or working to survive? If the latter, then what do you need to do to change your perspective on the work that you are doing?

Do you think that you will work in heaven? If so, then what kind of work will you do? How are you training for that work now? How should you be?

Tuesday 18 April 2023

Let's sum it up

1 Cor.16:13-14
James 1:22-24
1 Cor.13:11

I hope these past six days have genuinely impacted you. But honestly, we can read or hear these words, know they are trustworthy, and believe we need to change, but without action, we can EXPECT NOTHING! 

Resist the temptation of being a lawnmower Christian. What is that you ask? A lawnmower Christian opens the Word, reads a passage or two, checks a box saying they completed the days reading, and immediately walks away and forgets what they read. This type of person is just mowing down the words to look back and say, “I did it, and it looks good.” But what they don't see are the weeds, ready to pop up and overtake the healthy grass.

James 1:22-24 (NIV) says, "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like."

Therefore, be intentional as you read and grow, primarily as you reflect on 1 Corinthians 16:13-14. God doesn't need more men with a head knowledge, but rather, those whose hearts are filled with the anticipation of moving towards who they were created to be. Men of action!

Warning: When we decide to be that man, it invites all kinds of evil from the deceiver, but the Word instructs (and empowers) us to resist the devil, and he will flee! 

So now you know: a Christ-centered, legacy-minded man is a godly man who:

· Is alert and on guard at all times

· Stands firm in the faith, knowing what AND why he believes what he does

· Is courageous, moving from fear to trust

· Is strong, persisting and persevering through trials

· Loves much, first the Lord and then his neighbors.

No doubt, it takes work, but isn't our God worth it?

One more thing. This world will never change until men, like you and me, are transformed into who we were created to be before the beginning of time. I don't know about you, but that gets my blood pumping!

I hope that you will put into action these five mandates. They will help you see who you are and point you to the purpose the creator called you to in the beginning.

May God bless you!

Sunday 16 April 2023

Do everything in love

1 Cor.16:13-14
Luke 10:27
1 Cor.13:3
1 Cor.13:13

The Lord tells us to love him so strongly, passionately, thoughtfully, and deeply for a reason, and that is, the more we know Him, the more we will naturally love Him. Being close to Him always means abiding in Him. Being in His Word daily, setting time to pray in secret places, and obeying what He has commanded us. If a man does these things, he will find that the Lord strengthens him and rejuvenates him by His Spirit. Our God gives us the fifth Mandate: to do all things in love because that will reveal and reflect Him in the world. Everything we choose not to do in love is saying, in effect, "You don't need to be seen here!" So, we ought to do all things in love. God has commanded it and the priority is loving Him with all we have!

As I think about “loving your neighbor as yourself“, a story of a loving uncle comes to mind. Upon hearing his niece's frightened cries and staring at an awful site, a fiery house, he couldn’t wait for the Fire Department. Derrick rushed into the house. Earlier, his sister had thrown two of her three children from the second floor down to him. But suddenly, she lost her balance and fell helplessly from the roof, unable to safely get her daughter down. Derrick didn’t think twice. He rushed in after his niece. He says, “Then, I got her, I took my shirt off and put it around her face so she wasn’t breathing any smoke and then I just carried her out, as fast as I could.” 

Not only did he risk his life, but he also gave her all he had—in this case, the very shirt off his back. Derrick was seriously burned from the head down, but he said that he would do it again, even if he got burned worse or died trying.

When God says to do all things in love and love your neighbor as yourself, that means everyone from your trapped niece to an unruly co-worker! This is tough. How do we love our co-worker who is always complaining? How do we relinquish our rights to venting our anger, even during the heat of an argument? Or have the courage to rush into a fire to save a life? The answer is, you need all these mandates working in the your life. 

There is nothing more manly than a man with firm conviction, courage, and endurance who is marked by love!

Friday 14 April 2023

Be Strong

1 Cor.16:13-14
2 Sam.22;1-3

"Have a good day and remember, no matter what, I will always be there for you." A father said, gazing lovingly into his son's eyes. The child turned away with a smile and ran off to school. Hours later a massive earthquake devastated his sons' school. Thousands of casualties were gathered and reported as he hurried to the school grounds.

The father passed by the onlookers and stepped up to the demolished remains of the school building. He began digging. One parent shouted, "What are you doing? The building isn't secure. You're going to make it worse!" But the father was decisive and intentional, "I'm digging for my son," he said, brushing off the man's hands. 38 wearying hours after arriving at the school, the father moves a brick and hears a faint voice. "Son, is that you?" he yells. "Papa, it's me!" his son yells back through the heaps of rubble, in a muffled yet reassuring voice. The father reached his hand down and said, "Come out, son!" but his son replied, "Let the others out first! I know you'll save me." 

Later, as he held his boy, the father began to think about how selfless his son was. Why would his son stay back while other kids were saved right before his eyes? The answer lies within his boys' confident statement, "I knew you would always be there for me!" Words that his loving father would never forget.

In 1988 the Armenian earthquake killed 25,000 people. Due to a father’s strength and unshakeable determination, his son and fourteen other fortunate kids wouldn't be part of that number. Do you ever feel like a ton of bricks just fell right on top of you? How do you get out from there? Do you wait for the bricks to fall away? Or do you start digging? "Be strong" is the fourth Mandate of Manhood. Having faith and confidence in our Father, while also being there, and being strong, for those around us.

Life doesn't always go as planned, and God calls us to "Be Strong" for that reason. Being strong is more than just physical. Paul is referring to spiritual and mental strength as well. He is speaking of the grit that is required to persevere amidst the challenges of life. Always being there for family means ALWAYS being there, as the father above routinely told his son. That requires a determined and unshakeable inner strength! 

That's what we do! And of course, knowing that all strength comes from our rock, the Lord only equips us better.

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Be Courageous

1 Cor.16:13-14
Joshua 1:9

The third Mandate is to "Be Courageous." We all have an idea of what courage looks like. It's the macho guy in movies that is 'all that' and then some. You’ve seen him—the guy who seems to always show up at the right time, the one who never misses a shot in the game, takes charge of a situation, and seemingly always knows just what to do and say. The most intimidating guy in the office. Right? Wrong! 

Desmond Doss was a United States Army Corporal who was a conscientious objector. Desmond wanted to help in one of the bloodiest wars in history, without a weapon. Instead of taking any life, he became a medic saving lives. Even though Doss came under fire by his own commanding officers threatening him with prison time, even after being beaten by his own guys, even after being publicly humiliated by his sergeant, Doss wouldn't budge. He stood firm to what he believed. His company considered his refusal to use a gun in combat as putting their lives in danger, so they hated him for it. 

Doss plunged, weaponless, into machine gun and mortar fire. The US was pushed back, but Doss refused to take cover. Nonetheless, God convicted him to go ahead. Doss went into areas that were regarded to be unsafe for either side, desperately trying to save men. After tending their wounds, he would drag them across the battlefield to the edge of a cliff and lower the injured soldier down to warm hands. Doss did this, man after ma,  and called on God to help him. That day he saved 75 men. 

One night, while saving a fellow soldier, a grenade went off, wounding his legs. Instead of calling another medic from cover, he waited five hours for the litter bearer to reach him. Despite suffering severe wounds, Doss saw another soldier more critical than himself and got off the stretcher. He demanded the soldiers take the other man. While waiting for the litter bearers to return, Doss was struck again in the arm, suffering a compound fracture. Doss had courage in the face of danger, courage in the face of temptation (to flee like the rest), courage in the face of loss, and courage in the face of suffering.

Joshua 1:9 (NIV) says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Doss' actions in the World War earned him The Medal of Honor. Decades later, his true-life story was made into a Hollywood film called Hacksaw Ridge. His character was accurately portrayed, not as the platoon's honcho, but rather, as a slim young man bent on doing his duty. 

"No one ever won a war by giving their life", his superior officer said in the movie. That statement was far from true, because Jesus did that very thing! When He said, "It is finished," He referred to the spiritual war—the battle—that was initiated in the Garden and won on Golgotha's hill! That day He said to you and me, too: Go. Fight. Never give up. Never give in. Don't fear. And be courageous in all things, for the war has already been won!

Monday 10 April 2023

Stand firm in the Faith

1 Cor.16:13-14
1Peter 3:15

What would you do if you found yourself in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s and early '40s? How about if you were staring into the eyes of a Gestapo Commander? He has come to search your house for secretly hidden Jews—the very Jews that, perhaps only moments ago, you had just hurriedly helped to squeeze into a narrow crawl space, located right under the kitchen table.

The Commander demands to be let in and informs you his men are going to search the vicinity. "Are you hiding any Jews?", he inquires skeptically. "If you are and don't tell me, your whole family and the Jews will be shot on the spot!", he casually states without blinking. Thoughts of the two little girls, their baby brother, and the widowed woman cross your mind. Now you need to answer. Hesitate too long, and the hidden-away Jews are dead; denying their occupancy puts your family in jeopardy. What do you do?

If I asked you what you believe, you would probably have a quick answer. Almost everyone can muster up that. Where I find that people have a big problem is in the follow-up question: “WHY” do you believe it? 

At this point, I see a much different reaction from the person who is giving the answer. Some hesitate, while some may blush and awkwardly say, "Well, because of my mom, dad, denomination, professor, friend…" etc. Most, however, don't really know. Following the second question comes the breaking point for many. Why? Because it's hard to stand firm when you don't know what you believe; when you have just adopted someone else’s beliefs. 

1 Peter 3:15 NIV says, “But in your hearts set revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

Hundreds of people during the reign of Nazi Germany had to make a split-second decision. If they didn't know why they hid the Jews, it could spell out catastrophe in the moments to come. 

Leadership guru and former pastor, John Maxwell, said it best: "Decisions are made easy when you know in advance what you stand for." Occurrences like this with the Gestapo aren't exaggerated stories, retold to make people look good. Nor were they written to gain the admiration of men. They were real-life situations where “average Joes” stepped up to protect the lives of thousands. Many of those who put their very lives on the line thought that the people they protected were precious, valuable, and created in the image of God! The decision to stand firm for their beliefs in these critical moments was made clear.  

The same is true for you today. Staring at the Commander, what would you say? Do you know what you believe and why you believe it? If you do, don't waver in your belief. To stand firm, you MUST get into His Word. Study it! Apply it! AND LIVE IT OUT!

Saturday 8 April 2023

Be Alert

1 Cor.16:13-14
Prov. 7:6-27
1 Peter 5:8

The world is loaded with ”seducers'“who are watching, waiting, tempting, and infiltrating your life. Whenever and wherever they get the opportunity, they will attack. The question is: are you aware and alert enough to who or what is on the prowl? From phones, computers, people, work, etc., all kinds of things appeal to men, saying, "Take a load off. Relax. Let your guard down, it's harmless banter!" All the while, the enemy of your soul is planning to take you out. For the pastor, it can be the woman who keeps sending signals. It could be the beer located conveniently for the husband, just at the end of the grocery aisle. These seducers are relentless and continuously try to get the man to live a worldly life, or worse, willfully sin against Almighty God! People who live life unaware of what is going on in the world are those I call "Sleepers."

Other men are equally unaware of their surroundings. Guys who typically believe they are the world's center. The preoccupied business guy barges into the office. Oblivious to his co-workers, he continues in a deep conversation on his phone. Neither the self-centered man nor the lazy man is fulfilling his call from God. He isn’t even fulfilling the first Mandate of Manhood, to "Be Alert"! 

The preoccupied businessman has no clue he's about to succumb to being involved with another woman, until one night, he looks around after work and sees it is just the two of them, working together alone in the office. We all know what frequently happens next! Spiritually, this man is very much like a lone gazelle surrounded by a hungry pack of lions. 

Physically and spiritually, we need to keep our eyes open. The danger is everywhere. It's in the office with the overly flirtatious new assistant. It's at the end of the grocery store aisle in the cooler. It‘s on the corner of the street in the dope dealer's hand. Being alert helps us to be aware of who we are and our surroundings.

I don't believe the Lord is just telling us to be mindful of the dangers. I believe He is saying to be alert to what He is doing in your life—to be aware as to who you are and the opportunities God is sending your way! 

But before we can walk in the glory of God, we must “Be Alert“ regarding this fallen world and its seductions and overcome them all!

Thursday 6 April 2023

Have you ever heard, "Be a man?"

1 Cor.16:13-14
1 Cor.11:3

If you are like most men, you have. But what does it mean to be a man, a true man of God? Today the world no longer recognizes real men because it attempts to redefine what a real man looks like, which is contrary to God's design! Being a man—a man of God—is a choice.

Many of us think we are a man of God, but we have never really taken the time to investigate what it looks like to be a man after God’s own heart. For many it is because we have not put ourselves in the hands of the Master. Take a football, for example. The only way to achieve its ultimate purpose is for it to be placed in a skilled man's hands, a quarterback, a master. The master is the one who knows how to get the most out of something.

It’s no different for average Joe's like you and me. To identify the very thing most men seek—true purpose—we need to put ourselves in the hands of the Master. Because when we are in His hands, I can assure you, we are not just an average Joe, but rather someone built to succeed—a man of action!

Men, we have an identity problem. I believe this truth has led to the greatest problem in the world today: men who have abdicated their role as husband, father, and leader. This statement may surprise you. After all, isn't sin the greatest problem? For the unbeliever, sin means nothing, so in the secular world, this statement rings true. But what about for Christians? The truth is that sin is a choice. We believers can turn away from sin, but many do not. Most companies, governments, and ministries are overwhelmingly led by men, both believers, and unbelievers. What would happen if those men led in a godly manner? The change would rock the world!

In just over one generation, we have gone from Fathers Knows Best to Father Knows Nothing! Make no mistake, it takes work to be the man God created us to be. In actuality, the father knows best when the father knows God! 

So what does a man of God look like?

I believe you will find His concise answer in 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (NIV), which says, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.” These are 5 mandates for the godly man. Let’s take the next six days to explore these valuable mandates.

Tuesday 4 April 2023

Finding Jesus

John 14:9
Mathew 16:16-17

Man Eyes - when a man is asked to look for a misplaced item but does not end up finding said item even if it was right in front of their face.
We've all been there. Your wife asks you to get the Windex from below the sink. You spend a full 10 seconds looking around only to say, "I don't see it." She walks over, and it's the first bottle you see when you open the door. She rolls her eyes as if to say, "it would have bit you if it were a snake." 

You look back in space under the sink and wonder how in the world you could have missed that. It's because you have a mean case of Man Eyes, my brother. But don't worry, if you read our scripture verse, you'll see that you're not alone.
Jesus told Philip, "Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me," and "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." 
I wonder how long the disciples had watched, looked, and stared at Jesus and missed who he was? Some saw Jesus with an agenda (Judas). Some saw him hatred (Pharisees), but others saw him as he truly was (Peter).
Matthew 16: 16-17, "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven.

Unlike that sneaky Windex bottle, we can see Jesus as he truly is by reading God's Word. We can come to know that Jesus was God in the flesh who sacrificed himself for our sins. We can check our agendas, hatred, preconceived notions at the door as God's Word is the ultimate source to get our Man Eyes corrected. 

Uncommen Questions

How do you see Jesus?

When was the last time you read through the new testament?
Uncommen Challenge

I challenge you to reread the new testament and look for Jesus in the scriptures so you can see him as he is meant to be seen.

Sunday 2 April 2023

Types of Love

John 3:16

Greeks have 8 different types of love. The average teenage girl on Instagram or TikTok has 1293 kinds of love. 

Agape — Unconditional Love
Eros — Romanic Love
Philia — Affectionate Love
Philautia — Self-love
Storge — Familiar Love
Pragma — Enduring Love
Ludus — Playful Love
Mania — Obsessive Love
As you can see, we can get our viewpoint of love twisted and turned away from the kind of love God has for us. 

You spend time where your heart is focused on.

Have you ever spoke with a guy who has met "the one," and he says something like, "dude, I'm in love." Eros

Have you ever gone to a car show? The look on some guy's face can only be described as captivated when he is looking at cars. Whether it's classics, hotrods, custom, luxury, or concept cards, most men hover around drooling over cars as if they are in love with them. Ludus

Have you ever seen a guy watching his favorite football team in the Superbowl? He's wearing his team gear from head to toe and has signs and flags out for the world to see. Storge

Have you ever watched a guy see his wife for the first time at their wedding? When those doors open, his face lights up, and there may be even a tear or two. Philia

Ever see a guy strut around like a peacock after the birth of his first child? That is love in it's the showiest form and usually repeats itself with every child. Pragma

But none of those are the kind of love that God showed us when He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Agape - Unconditional Love

We may see the love in many different ways, but it's vitally important to see Agape love as that is what God gives us and what he's called us to extend to others.

Uncommen Questions

Have you experienced most, if not all, on that list?

Do you have a favorite?

Do you need to work on noticing and expressing Agape love?

Uncommen Challenge

I challenge you to reexamine how your Man Eyes sees love and how you express it as well.