Thursday 22 December 2022

Men Lead Others to True Spirituality

We have come to the end of our current series. I hope and believe that some of this touched you and were blessed by it.
By the Grace of God i will be back in a while with more encouragement!!!!! Bless you all!!!! And embrace the biggest gift ever this Christmas JESUS!!!!!!

 *Men Lead Others to True Spirituality *

1 Peter 3:15

If you truly believe what you believe, how can you not share that? I’m not talking about shouting it on a street corner or thumping someone over the head with the Bible at Thanksgiving dinner; I’m talking about a respectful conversation with those you care about.

Sometimes guys don’t engage others in the area of spirituality because they don’t want to appear closed-minded or judgmental. I’ll admit there’s been a lot of damage done by people with strong spiritual beliefs—from prejudiced attitudes to shunning those who believe differently to holy wars. These kinds of things are wrong and unhealthy. 

But here’s my question: Is that you? Do you think that people who believe differently are ignorant or bad or inferior? If so, keep your mouth shut and ask God to change your heart before you do more damage. If not, it’s critical that your friends and family hear your voice, the voice of someone who can say, “I respect you and I disagree with you. I am your friend no matter what, but here’s what I believe about that.” That’s a man move.

The book of John tells us that Jesus came “full of grace and truth” (1:14). These characteristics may seem contradictory, but Jesus brings them together with the “genius of the and.” He defines right and wrong and he gives freedom in the gray areas. He upholds standards and he forgives when they are broken. I was so captivated by this beautiful spiritual matrix that years ago I had my left shoulder tattooed with a modified yin and yang graphic. It has grace and truth working together encircled by a crown of thorns. 

You can’t tell me that the message of grace and truth isn’t what your family, friends, teammates, coworkers, city, and our world need. Grace and truth are what men share. 

I’m convinced that if men play the role we’re called to play, if we protect spiritually, if we lead others to the same freedom we’ve found, then years from now, when we’re either old and gray or long gone, someone down the line will look at the stumps of our family trees and those we influenced and see big, fat, bold rings. And they’ll know that’s where change happened, where healing occurred, where truth and love came together.

 Is there a person with whom you need to have a direct spiritual conversation?

Tuesday 20 December 2022

Men Protect

Nehemiah 4:14 

Men are protectors, physical and spiritual protectors. It’s in our DNA.

It was in William Wilberforce, who fought to end the British slave trade and eventually all slavery in the British territories. Wilberforce was a man compelled by his faith to protect those who couldn’t defend themselves.

It was in Dietrich Bonhoeffer, whose beliefs led him to stand up to Hitler. He was executed in 1945 at Flossenburg concentration camp for his work with the underground resistance.

It was in Todd Beamer, who on 9/11 helped lead the group of United 93 passengers against the terrorists who had killed the pilots and commandeered the plane. They gave up their lives but saved unknown destruction to lives and leaders in Washington, DC.

Men, you can’t tell me this is not in you. Maybe between Xboxes and car payments and Netflix marathons, it’s been pushed back, but it’s in you. We’re called to so much more. We’re called to protect.

I believe men are physically and spiritually wired to protect. This may be part of what was going on with young David when he stood up to the giant Goliath. The little shepherd kid wasn’t yet the warrior king he would grow into, but it was clearly in him. Or consider Nehemiah, the Old Testament leader who launched the project to rebuild the damaged walls protecting Jerusalem. Nehemiah led a team of everyday citizens, not soldiers, but they were surrounded by people who hated them and wanted to stop them from rebuilding the walls. Nehemiah posted his men along the construction project with swords, spears, and bows while the people worked.

There is one important caveat. Protecting isn’t about powering up or flexing muscles or using violence to get what we want. The Bible not only tells us to protect and defend but also warns us not to adopt the ways of violent men (Proverbs 3:31). Violence in any form to get our own way is boy stuff. Strength under control used to protect others is man stuff.

The call for us to protect others against bullies and bad guys of all shapes and sizes is seen throughout the Bible. Men are called to be protectors.

Can you think of a time when you stepped in to protect someone? How about a time when you failed to do so, even though you knew it was the right thing to do?

Sunday 18 December 2022

Men are Team Players

Ecclesiastes 4:12

We think lone wolves are dark, mysterious, and strong. They’re the stuff of legends. The truth about lone wolves, however—which I learned from an animal trainer in the mountains of Montana who owns previously wild wolves—is that they are weak, malnourished, and have short lives. Wolves need a pack with which to circle and kill an animal. They need a pack to huddle with for warmth and protection. Lone wolves don’t get enough to eat, and they die prematurely and alone.

Lone wolves are losers. In the wild, lone wolves can’t thrive, nor in life can men thrive on their own. We may be able to fund an early retirement on our own, but we can’t truly experience and enjoy life without some brothers. Worse yet, we all have permanent or temporary weaknesses that a brother can help us navigate or even overcome.

If there was only one spiritual discipline I could immediately give to you, what do you think it would be?

Some might say reading the Bible. Wrong.

Some might say prayer. Wrong again.

Some might say going to church. Still wrong.

Cynics might expect this megachurch pastor to say giving more money away. Wrong yet again.

If there was one discipline I could impart to every male, it would be this: Choose the right friends, and leverage them wisely. 

In his book Love and Survival: The Scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy, Dr. Dean Ornish speaks to the importance of relationships: “I am not aware of any other factor in medicine—not diet, not smoking, not exercise, not stress, not genetics, not drugs, not surgery—that has greater impact on our quality of life, incidence of illness, and premature death from all causes.”

We will physically die earlier if we don’t have great friends, and that will be after we have already died spiritually. In fact, if we don’t have great friends, we are spiritually dead already. I’ve seen it too many times to be convinced otherwise.

Male friendship is a spiritual discipline, and it needs to be elevated. If we know how to maintain strong, godly friendships, we will make fewer mistakes in our lives, and we’ll recover more quickly from those we do make.

What activity could you do with other men in order to connect? How could you make that a regular thing?

Monday 12 December 2022

Men Take a Stand

Matthew 7:13-14

Winston Churchill is attributed as saying, “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something some time in your life.” But boys don’t want enemies. They don’t want anyone to dislike them. 

The moments that define us as men are when we choose to do something difficult that we know won’t be a popular choice. Today I’m most disappointed about those times in my life when I had a transcendent, primal awareness of what needed to be done but failed to take a minority position.

Once a person in leadership at something I was heading up had authority that didn’t match their character. This person was divisive and built walls between people by sowing seeds of distrust. What disturbs me isn’t just that I didn’t see it, but that I ignored counsel from those who did, those who took a minority position and spoke truth. As a result, there was eventual carnage.

Waiting for a bad situation to resolve itself rather than handling it right away always results in more pain. Conversely, the more experience we have in taking a minority position, the easier it becomes. It’s great when you can be in the majority, but never allow the majority to dictate your beliefs and your actions.

Recently, I came across an article about a man named August Landmesser. He was a shipbuilder in Nazi Germany. There is a famous photo of him at a ship dedication in which everyone is doing the salute to Hitler. Everyone except him. The majority of Germans in 1936 thought they were doing the right thing by going along with the Nazi agenda. This guy took a minority position and it cost him. He was arrested and eventually drafted. Nobody knows what happened to him. And why did he refuse, by the way? Because he had a Jewish wife. That dude was a man. That man was right, and that man was in the vast minority. 

Guys, think about whatever it is right now that’s on your heart in which you are in the minority and need to stand strong. Take a minority position in the little things so that when a big thing comes along, you’ve developed the muscles you need to meet it head-on.

What discipline can you build into your life to strengthen your ability to take a minority position and withstand criticism?

Saturday 10 December 2022

Men cast a Big Vision

Eph. 3:20

Boys live only for today. They wait for inspiration to strike or for someone to hand them their big break. Men dream of something bigger, define it, then work toward it. 

The world and too often Christians are cynical of success and big dreams. But big dreams, big visions, and grand ambitions are sprinkled throughout the Bible. In fact, the giver of dreams says we don’t dream big enough (Ephesians 3:20). I’m not talking about creating a self-serving dream so we can pound our chests as bigger, faster, or stronger. King of the Hill is a boy’s game and the source of many of the problems in our world, not to mention some of the more annoying cocktail party conversations.

We’re all susceptible to self-serving dreams. As human beings, our motives in any endeavor will probably never be completely pure and altruistic. So what do we do? The answer is simple—but not easy. We keep going after big, God-sized visions and humbly walk with our God. (See Micah 6:8.) 

Consider Nehemiah. This manly man is an Old Testament hero who dreamed big and sought to rebuild the protective walls around Jerusalem. The walls were once a source of national pride, but they had become indicative of their national disarray. In the midst of Nehemiah’s attempt and eventual success, he was able to keep his vision about God and not himself. 

Yet there were critics who tried to get him off track or, specifically, off the wall. His detractors were distractors who attempted to get him to stop working toward the vision.

One day some boys called him out and accused him of not doing good work. He was working; they were criticizing. He was on the wall in sweat-stained clothes; they were on the ground in religious garments. He shouted down to them, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?” (Nehemiah 6:3).

Don’t be afraid to dream big. What does that look like? How about something immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine? 

We can do this. It’s not easy, but it’s good. So let’s get to work.

Do you have a long-term vision for your life? If so, what is it? If not, why not? Is it big enough or have you downsized it?

Thursday 8 December 2022

What does it mean to be a man?

Day 1
What Does It Mean to Be a Man?
1 Corinthians 16:13-14

In the traditions of nearly every ancient culture (and some modern tribal cultures), a rite of passage marked a young male’s transition from boyhood to manhood. It was a public event that declared to everyone, especially the young male, that he had become a man and would enjoy the privileges and bear the responsibilities of manhood.

I never had a moment in my life when I was declared a man. Because I didn’t, I felt I had to prove my manhood in whatever way our selfish, “if it feels good do it” culture told me. When my son was born, I determined that he was going to have a different experience. But to do that effectively, I had to be able to articulate exactly what he was being called into—what did it mean to be a man?

One day, as I was reading 1 Corinthians 16, verses 13 and 14 jumped out at me. The English Standard Version reads: “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” When I did a mental survey of the men in my life I aspired (and aspire) to be like, I realized every single one of them exhibited these five marks:

 1. Be watchful
I began to see that men have a vision.

 2. Stand firm.
 Men aren’t afraid to stand against the tide when they are resolved in what they believe.

 3. Act like men.
This command is written in the plural. Manhood isn’t just an individual journey. Men are team players.

 4. Be strong.
Men understand that they are wired to produce value. This means men work.

 5. Let all that you do be done in love.
Things done in love are done for the sake of others. This means that men are protectors.

These five marks form a code that defines what it means to be a man. A fifteen-year-old who exhibits the marks regularly is more of a man than a forty-five-year-old who doesn’t.

It’s time to set a new standard for what manhood should be or, actually, to live up to the ancient standard that has been lost. No matter where you are in your life, no matter what you’ve done, you can choose today to be a man.

What cultural expressions of manhood do you find confusing or frustrating? What would you change?

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Roaring across the finish line

1 Cor.9:24
Mathew 10:39

The ultimate goal of restoring your roar is so you can cross the finish line of this life strong. The Scripture often likens the Christian journey to a long distance race. The race of becoming a mighty man of God is not a 30-second street drag race, it is more like the Daytona 500. This race is one of winding roads of molding and shaping with sharp turns and curves all along the way; all meant to mature the man of God.

No one starts a race unless they're planning on crossing the finish line at the end. 

And no one who is in a race wants to lose it.

You must understand the race in God's kingdom is somewhat backward. 

He says if you want to win this race you have to lose it.

In order to win this race, you must leave a legacy of love. You see, this race is not about coming in 1st place; no, it is more about being a servant leader. It's not what we can obtain and gain in this life, it's all about how much we can give of our self and ensuring we have served others well. Yes, in this race the last shall be 1st!  So restoring your roar is actually less about you and more about you giving up of yourself for others.

Actually, it's all about Christ and living a life that roars loud and proud unashamedly pointing back to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus Christ.

So roar on my brother, Roar On!

What does it look like to come in 1st place in God’s race?

In what areas and ways is God calling and challenging you to be a servant leader?

What are some of the aspects of the Legacy of Love you want to leave behind at the finish line?

Sunday 4 December 2022

Restored better than before

Ezekiel 37;1-10
1 Peter 5;10

Have you ever seen one of those car restoration shows on TV where they take an old dilapidated car that's rusted out from bumper to bumper, that they found in the back of some junkyard, and it looks like it was destined to rust back to dust. But then a crew of master mechanics rescues it and tows it back to their shop and they get a vision for restoration to bring the car back to its glory days.

In a matter of a couple months, they bring that old bucket of bolts back from the dead and restore it into something brighter, bolder and better than it had ever been before, in many cases even better than when it first rolled off the car showroom years before.

God is a Master Restorer as well, but He doesn't restore old cars He restores the lives of broken people.  Most men who have lived some time on this Earth and have put in some long miles on this life, probably have made many mistakes and have had some “accidents” in their life.  Perhaps early on in life they thought they could do anything, they were young, vibrant and full of vitality destined to change the world but after being knocked around a time or two by the hard knocks of life they may feel they are left in some back lot of the junkyard just rusting away feeling like their purpose is done and gone and they are not good for anything. Life can steal your shout and rob your roar if you let it; by either going through the motions of the mundane or dealing with blow after blow of hardship.

However, The Restorer of our souls has a vision for broken men. He desires to make them better men than they were ever before. If you allow God to work on you, he will cut out the rusty parts of your life and restore them with bright shiny new parts.

And when God has fully restored and renewed a man, the world has to take a step back and hear him roar with love, kindness, and meekness.

When was a difficult season in your life that gave you some dings and dents?

 What areas do you need God to cut out the “rust” in your life and restore?

 How do you want to shine bright for Christ as a fully restored man of God?

Friday 2 December 2022

Pulling the plug

John 10;10
James 1:5

No matter how loud and how powerful a mighty muscle car engine rumbles and all starts with a spark from a series of small spark plugs. It's pretty neat stuff how a few sparks mixed with some gasoline and some pistons pumping causes combustion to make an engine to roar to life! Without the spark plugs there is no rumble, there is no roar. The spark plug is a small but vital part of the overall concept of an engine running.

If you pull the plugs you pull the power.  Just like spark plugs being pulled would rob the roar of an engine so will sin steal power and authority from a man. Many men rationalize sin by saying “this is just a small sin, it's not hurting anyone” and yet even the smallest of sins is still sin and all sin has one end result, destruction.

Some major spark plug pullers for men are pride, pornography and the pursuit of power. The key to keeping the keys to your roar is staying humble, holy and hungry for God. Also staying accountable to a brother in Christ and taking ownership of your shortcomings. As well it so important to always seek to have a tender, responsive and sensitive heart towards the Spirits redirection.    

Stay plugged into the power and you will keep on ripping and roaring towards the finish line.

In what areas of your life do you need a spiritual “tune-up”?

What are some sins that have pulled your power plug in the past or present?

How do you plan to stay plugged into the power?